Our investment process focuses on controlling risk while providing competitive investment returns. Portfolios are customized by listening to our clients. We implement our client’s personal needs, wishes, concerns and constraints. For new clients with a current investment portfolio, we look at enhancing, not totally liquidating their current positions. We look at the client’s total tax exposure and plan an efficient process to optimize their portfolio. We reduce risk and volatility in our clients’ portfolios through strategic and tactical asset allocation. We do not offer any proprietary products, enabling us to offer unbiased advice. Our compensation is based on the value of your portfolio. We do not receive any transaction generated commissions and we do not use any "sales load" mutual funds.
Our portfolios include a customize mix of:
- Individual equities
- Individual Bonds
- Exchange Traded Funds
- Index Mutual Funds
- Separate Managed Accounts
- Alternative Investments*
*Client may need to meet certain qualifications